just a number
Someone screenshotted their grades as they sat at a hundred in the first few weeks of the second semester. They captioned it by saying that they needed to document that they were at one point very high. Upon seeing that, I knew that I had to say something. I am a perfectionist, and at some points in my life it has had an extreme impact on my school life. I was not satisfied with anything but a perfect score. However, high school has entirely ch anged my perspective. For example, I know that with the test that I took today, my grade in AP HuG will not stay at a 100. Nevertheless, I am not stressing about any of it. I know that I put all of the effort into studying and that's all that matters. One grade may seem like it can define your future, and in some cases, it may. In the end, the only thing that matters is how hard you tried. There is a future for you, and there is no good that comes from stressing yourself out. If you let your stress and anxiety become physically and mentally...