6:45am Wake up
6:50am Eat breakfast and have Bible time
7:10am Get dressed and pack stuff up for school
SCHOOL lasts from about 8:00am to 3:45pm because I go in early most days to socialize or go to club meetings. It also is beneficial to take time to go get help from teachers in the morning. Classes are 90 minutes and there are four of them along with a 30 minute or 1 hour lunch called FLEX.
3:45pm Drive home
3:55pm Change into comfy clothes and take off any makeup
4:00pm Either cook and eat dinner or wait for my dad to bring takeout home
5:00-7:59pm Work on any homework, help my brother with his work, or catch up on any TV shows that I missed
8:00pm Write for blog if there isn't anything super important I have to do
8:45pm Go exercise in my room or downstairs
9:30pm Start winding down and cleaning up room and school stuff
10:00pm Read stuff for school and cram for tests the next day because you memorize things better right before you go to sleep.
10:45pm Go to sleep
FOOTBALL GAMES will alter my entire evening, basically just chunking out from 6 to 11 to chill with my friends. It also changes what I do directly after school because I have to get ready for the game. The same thing also applies to a PARTY or another thing that I may have after school.


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