Anxiety in every situation you are faced with
Buying food and drinks from the vending machines to get you on a sugar high
College begins to sound crazily close 
Driving becomes more of a necessity than an added bonus
Exercise is ignored in all ways, shapes, and forms
Football games are the best times of  the week
Giving away countless hours of sleep to keep your grade away from an F
Holding yourself accountable for your mistakes
Ignoring the drugs, alcohol and sex surrounding you
Jeopardizing you future in every question that you answer
Kill my self is an overused phrase
Love turns into PDA
Milk any benefits that you are given, extra credit should always be a priority
Never are you prepared for anything, no matter how hard you study
OSS is to be avoided at all costs
Phones become almost illegal and dress code is more intense
Quitting high school is a serious consideration
Running to class when you hear the sprint bell
Spirit week is no longer an option, it is a requirement
Talking to your friends transforms into complaining
Use your time wisely, budget every minute and second of every day
Viable excuses are not existent
Wishing you had a 'phone a friend' to use for everything
X turns into exes
Yell until you lose your voice at pep rallies
Zombie could be used to describe you on a daily basis


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